Welcome to my world of Triathlon
I started Triathlon 8 years ago having been a runner since university. I bought my first road bike and did a solid 25 miles and built things up fom there. Swimming was a whole other battle which took a bit longer to conquer. The triathlon community has brought a lot to my life and I've loves building up my social media and surrounding life with like-minded people. I've made so many great connections and friends though this and I consider myself to be very lucky! I used to have the mantra that I would 'exercise to eat cake' which is sort of still true but that has evolved into a much healthier mindset of 'training and fuelling'.
I now have a 2 year old daughter so I am juggling life as a full time working single parent and mum and balancing that around training. A lot of my recipes on here centre around batch cooking and meal prep which has saved me so many times from eating junk food or a cheese toastie for dinner when I run out of time and energy. Add in triathlon training for 3 disciplines (and some S&C when I remember this is also important) and it gets pretty busy! Eating great, nutritious food provides me with the nourishment I need but it also makes me feel great knowing I'm fuelling right and I truly enjoy the food I cook, bake and eat.
My sporting achievements have spanned beyond triathlon and I've even cycled the whole of the Pacific Highway in California from San Fransico to San Diego. 620 miles in 10 days of cycling. More than ever now, I want to set the best example to my daughter Sophie and show her what can be achieved when you put your mind to it. She helps me cook and bake and she knows when I'm in my running and tells me "mummy go running". It makes me so proud that she sees it and its a normal part of our life. Its now 2023 and I still don't know how the next few years will look but I will continue training, racing, cooking and juggling a busy life!
Here I will share my story, what I've achieved, what I have learned and all that is yet to come.
Click the links below for all my triathlon blog posts - I hope you enjoy!